Bring data accessibility to your MLS at no cost.
Lundy, Inc.'s goal is to produce the most comprehensive property search engine available by voice for MLSs who would like to be more inclusive with their data. Lundy has developed a FREE version of Finding Homes, eliminating the cost barrier to accessibility.
Our MLS Partners
Proudly serving over 490,000 agents and counting
Real estate has an accessibility challenge.
12M people over 40 years old in the US are visually impaired
1M are legally blind
Real estate data is only conveyed visually through images and text
Millions cannot "view" real estate in a meaningful manner
Vision disability is one of the top 10 disabilities among adults 18+ years
93M adults in the U.S. are at high risk for serious vision loss
Access to MLS data has not increased in a thoughtful or affordable way
Tech can and should be used for good causes
Anna Barrett Business Insider
"As a real estate agent, it has been illuminated to me how inaccessible the current marketing stratagems in the real estate industry are towards blind or visually impaired individuals."
Introducing the LundyAI Core
All of our products are powered by the LundyAI Core - specifically designed and optimized for real estate data. This advanced, natural language AI not only creates an intuitive, conversational experience for homebuyers, it also unlocks new capabilities for superpowered agent tools.